
Humanities Project: Archive

This is an ARCHIVE page for the 2013-2016 and 2016-2019 generation of VW Foundation Humanities stipends.

The 2013 group of fellows was chosen during a selection conference in Saly, Senegal, in May 2013. Following, in October 2013, the Kick-Off Workhop took place in Hannover, Germany.

The Kick-Off Workshop was followed by a Grantees Meeting organized by the Volkswagen Foundation at the Schloss Herrenhausen in Hannover. Here, all branches of the Foundation's funding initiative Knowledge for Tomorrow convened.

Since then workshops took place in Tanzania (2014), South Africa (2015), and Germany (2015). The final workshop took place in Ghana in September 2016.

The eleven fellows were chosen as they address with their projects significant phenomena and problems which account for social and cultural transformations in African societies and polities and as they apply innovative conceptual and methodical approaches. Furthermore, they bring to bear professional expertise which has widely been neglected in previous research or aspire to go beyond disciplinary boundaries and limitations.